

The History and Development of Manual Therapy

A look at the history and development of manual therapy: We will explore the global history of manual therapy, key contributors, and its evolution. We’ll also examine how manual therapy entered Korea, as well as current associations and academic societies related to this field.

Definition and Types of Joints

Definition and Types of Joints: Joints are where two or more bones join together. Joints are classified into fibrous, cartilage, and synovial joints according to the tissues that make up them. Or, in terms of function, it can also be divided into immobility, mobility, and semi-joints.

Definition of Musculoskeletal Disorders

Definition of Musculoskeletal Disorders: Data on musculoskeletal disorders and pain in 2020 are showing completely different results than in the past. Prepare in advance for the upcoming musculoskeletal health care market through various attempts to improve the quality of life.

XBody KIMES 2022 Review

KIMES 2022 (International Medical Equipment & Hospital Equipment Exhibition) is a great opportunity to see the XBody system in the most comfortable way. Feel free to consult with professional consultants and answer your questions
