Accurate Data-Based Research,
Musculoskeletal and Motion Analysis System
With exbody's precise musculoskeletal and motion data,
you can conduct highly reliable research. Our hands-on, practice-centered
approach allows you to develop skills that can be immediately applied in the field.
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Musculoskeletal Examination
마커 부착 없는 자동관절인식 측정으로
종합적인 진단이 가능합니다.
Movement Analysis
스쿼트 및 스포츠 기초체력 평가를 통해 운동 자세를 정밀하게 평가합니다.
Body Composition Analysis
체형 검사와 체성분 분석을 동시에 실시하여 개별 장비 설치로 인한 부담이 줄어듭니다.
Exercise Solutions
검사 데이터 기반 맞춤 운동을 자동 생성하여 QR코드와 모바일 APP으로 전송합니다.
150여 가지 라이브러리를 활용한 맞춤형 운동 프로그램을 직접 설계하여 교육 및 트레이닝 실무 역량을 향상시킵니다.
다각적 분석을 기반으로 한 종합 리포트가 모바일 APP으로 자동 전송됩니다.
Exbody Is Being Used by Various Institutions
Introduced exbody musculoskeletal and motion analysis system
musculoskeletal examination system.
F. A. Q
The assessment takes approximately 1 to 2 minutes on average, thanks to the automatic joint recognition system. ........
For the assessment, avoid clothing that excessively covers the joint areas, such as dresses, long skirts, hoodies, or oversized shirts.You can wear casual clothing, such as a T-shirt and jeans.
- Put the tops into your pants
- Roll up your pants to expose the knees
- Remove shoes
The exbody system’s automatic joint recognition technology has been certified by KTR (Korea Testing & Research Institute) with an average accuracy of 97% across different body parts. As a result, it is used in over 1,000 institutions, including universities, elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as general and university hospitals. It is also employed in public offices, health management departments of leading domestic corporations, and sports centers. ...More than 30 research papers have been published using the exbody system, and it is recognized as a highly reliable assessment tool, currently in use in over 3,000 locations worldwide, including 10 countries abroad.
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The exbody system provides comprehensive musculoskeletal data, motion analysis, and gait analysis, making it useful in various research fields such as sports science, physical therapy, and rehabilitation medicine. It delivers precise data for each analysis, offering statistical evidence that can be used in research papers, ultimately improving the quality of research outcomes....
exbody enables hands-on, practice-centered education,allowing students to work with extensive databases. This approach provides students with an opportunity to experience education that combines theory with practical skills, equipping them with the competencies needed to apply their knowledge directly in the field after graduation. Additionally, exbody supports students in managing their health and well-being, contributing to healthier lifestyles and improved academic performance.
exbody offers opportunities for collaboration with various government and Ministry of Education-led initiatives, such as the Glocal University Project and LIC+(Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation). These partnerships help secure research funding and contribute to enhanced educational outcomes................. ................................
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