Enhance Member Confidence
with a Unique Center Solution
With the groundbreaking 3D musculoskeletal analysis system, cited in international SCI journals,
exbody offers personalized dynamic stretching and 360-degree rotating musculoskeletal simulations.
Tailored features for your center ensure both short- and long-term revenue generation.
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core function
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Posture Analysis
필라테스 회원의 절대 관심사, 체형과 자세를 3D를 활용하여 과학적으로 분석합니다.
Movement Analysis
몸통, 어깨, 팔꿈치 기울기 등 회원의 코어 상태를 실시간 움직임으로 확인하며
측정된 데이터로 평가합니다.
Body Composition Analysis
체형 검사와 체성분 분석을 동시에 실시하여 개별 장비 설치로 인한 부담이 줄어듭니다.
다각적 분석을 기반으로 한 종합 리포트가 모바일 APP으로 자동 전송됩니다.
Visual Training
개인 PT 프로그램을 직접 구성하고 발송이 가능하며, 주기적인 웨이트-프리웨이트 운동 라이브러리 업데이트로 부위별·역량별 PT 전문 제작이 가능합니다.
AI Training
반응형 트레이닝으로 센터에 비치된 엑스바디와 함께 관절인식을 통한 AI 트레이닝 모드로 동시간 한 명의 회원이 아닌 복수의 회원의 PT가 가능해집니다.
부가 수익 창출을 위한
Foot Care Solution
한 시간, 두 시간 열심히 운동해도 변하지 않는
체형의 원인은 무너진 '발 아치'에 있습니다.
Check for fallen arches and achieve 200% customer satisfaction with "HEYPOSE"
designed to restore balance during Pilates.
"HEYPOSE" is a reliable product,
manufactured in South Korea and
recognized for its patented technology.
Arch Support Insole
Arch Support Insoles That Fit Perfectly Inside Pilates Socks!
Pose Maker Dial Fit
Dial Slippers for Maintaining Pilates Workout Effectiveness
Pose Maker My Fit
Recovery slippers designed to improve body balance.
exbody Is Being Used in Pilates Centers
Here are some examples of Pilates centers that have implemented the exbody posture and
movement analysis system.
F. A. Q
In the Pilates market, exbody 770 remains the best-selling equipment, followed by exbody 670 and exbody AF.
This is because centers using exbody can showcase a unique visual differentiation and provide members with an effective comparison of their pre- and post-exercise conditions through a professional sequence guided by instructors. The systematic approach of displaying results within a single session helps boost class quality and atmosphere, often making the center the top-rated in member satisfaction in the local area.
The exbody 670 does not include a Caliboard, but it comes with a 43-inch large monitor, allowing instructors to analyze and teach members about their posture immediately after measurements. Additionally, body composition analysis is included as a standard feature in exbody 670. On the other hand, exbody 770 includes posture and movement analysis as its core program, along with a professional report for detailed feedback and a Caliboard for enhanced visual marketing.
exbody AF is a device that measures the arch of the foot, assessing conditions like flat feet and high arches. If your center lacks differentiation due to many nearby centers offering similar posture analysis services, exbody AF can help by evaluating the state of a member’s feet. It predicts various issues such as hallux valgus, plantar fasciitis, and gait discomfort caused by postural misalignment. Based on these results, you can offer solutions like recovery slippers or soft insoles, providing an additional revenue stream for your center.
exbody has been redesigned to be easy to use for owners and trainers, ensuring it can be implemented in the field without difficulty. Members' personal information is securely protected after each measurement, and the system has been upgraded to a one-click system, allowing users to quickly access skeletal and muscle condition, reports, and recommended exercises via the mobile app with a single click.
The measurement process takes about 30 seconds for static posture analysis and around 3 minutes when combined with movement tests. (The duration is based on actual completed tests and may vary depending on the individual's condition during the movement test.)
exbody’s gait analysis technology is highly reliable, having been cited in international SCI journals. Not only is the gait analysis technology developed and researched in Korea widely acknowledged, but other exbody equipment has also been referenced in numerous academic papers. Multiple universities and research institutions have conducted studies using exbody equipment, providing quantitative proof of the accuracy of the technology. This demonstrates our strong commitment to ensuring the quality and precision of the technology developed in Korea.
At exbody, we prioritize customer satisfaction by forming agile teams dedicated to supporting each center. After the contract is signed, a team is assigned to handle installation and training. Once installation is complete, professional training is provided to ensure smooth operation. We also offer regular software updates and remote technical support to keep the system up to date. Update patches, which incorporate improvements to exercise content and measurement data, are released regularly to ensure that trainers can become true experts in their field. Re-training and service inquiries can be handled easily through our KakaoTalk channel. Inquiry through Kakaotalk (Click)
For pricing inquiries, please contact our headquarters at (+82)2-6925-6080 or reach out through our KakaoTalk channel. A dedicated representative will provide professional consultation tailored to your center’s needs.
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