Sports introduction case

X Body Introduction case _ New SONGSPOREX

New Jeongok SPOREX

Case Study: exbody implementation at New Jeongok SPOREX. This public center, which includes a swimming pool and kids’ Pilates, incorporates exbody’s equipment into its growth programs for children, enhancing their physical development.

X-body Introduction Case Bourne & Mediphilates

Bourne & Mediphilates

exbody introduction case, Bone & Mediphilates. More than 6 years of clinical career from rehabilitation hospital physiotherapy instructor It is Bone & Medical pilates that leads.

X-body Introduction Case Ribenfilates


exbody introduction case, Ribenfilates. Because a handful of elite accurate athletic posture, scoliosis is sincere in correction exbody system was introduced with open. No. 205, 2F, 100, Simsan-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu


Qzim is an all-round character in the fitness industry. Comfortable environment is basic, Cupit, Curan, Cupit Connection, Body Profile Various programs such as filming and all-around marketing activities People who are all ‘good'. Listen to Qzim's story

IEMPOWER Whiteness

The exbody system has been introduced to EM Power Fitness, which provides customized musculoskeletal training programs with expertise and accurate measurement data! EM Power Fitness, which can manage the right body through personal training, manual massage, diet management, lifestyle guide, etc., not only has medical exercise prescriptions with relevant qualifications and experience, but also provides accurate body and body shape using the EXBODY system, a medical facility-grade professional equipment. After analyzing, we are conducting a 1:1 customized training program.


Carefilates Match Guangzhou Center has developed a developed country-type fitness system It is the best pilates center in Gwangju with high facilities Equipped with effective programs, excellent instructors. In addition, there are various custom programs such as diet, rehabilitation, wedding, golf, silver, kids, etc. Accurate check and analysis of the condition of members After the customer custom pilates program is underway.

Soom Pilates

Aroma and Breathing Breath Pilates is a Pilates that creates the inner and outer beauty of members together. If you make a reservation through Naver, you can receive a free exbody examination and experience class to accurately diagnose your distorted body shape.
