
Xbody, I went to the Presidential Office building today.

On the afternoon of Friday, February 24th, XBody was invited to the Presidential Office in Yongsan, Seoul, and attended the 'UAE Tour and Conversation with Small and Medium Enterprises', introducing XBody's musculoskeletal examination device and body shape analysis system.

We never told Steve Jobs he needed an iPhone.

A man wearing plain jeans, a black turtleneck sweater and glasses that complete his intellect introduces one of the 'innovative products', the iPhone. Company A's ideas and products have brought about as much innovation as we can feel on our skin right now. I just have one question.

2022 review: exbody Universe

In 2022, exbody paddled across a new, vast and unexpected ocean, leaving the first footprints and paving the way on the land before us, be it gravel or muddy. All of these adventures would have been impossible without our customers.

Fill everyone's glass.

Fill everyone's glasses, take time to congratulate yourself and us for having a fierce and fierce time in each of your seats. Thank you so much to those who introduced exbody, those who are thinking about it, and those who accidentally read this article.

Do you want to exercise or go to the hospital? (by Dr. Na Yong-seung)

I want to exercise, I want to go to the hospital (by Dr. Na Yong-seung), through a long period of medical experience as a doctor, movement impairment, exercise prescription courses for each chronic disease, and exercise experience as an ordinary exercise mania This is a book published in the hope that you will have a habit.

The Future of Digital Healthcare 2023: Meet us at KIMES Busan.

엑스바디, 부산키메스 참가! 2022 부산 키메스 KIMES에서 엑스바디 시스템을 직접 확인하고, 2023 디지털 헬스케어를 대비하세요. 엑스바디는 병의원은 물론 대학교, 연구소, 보건소와 기업체 내 근로자건강관리를 위한 솔루션으로 선택받고 있습니다.

exbody Participates in DX KOREA 2022, Korea's Defense Industry Exhibition

엑스바디는 9월 21일부터 5일간 무수한 별들이 방문한 대한민국 방위산업전에 참여했습니다. 방위산업전은, 지상무기를 주로 다루는 아시아 최고의 국방·방위산업 네트워킹 플랫폼으로 방위산업 전 분야에 반드시 필요한 콘텐츠로 구성됩니다.

Arch Support Slippers: HEYPOSE Launch

아치서포트 슬리퍼, 헤이포즈가 출시됩니다. 실내에서 보내는 하루의 70%라는 긴 시간동안, 별다른 방법이 없었던 아치 관리. 이제 헤이포즈로 해결할 수 있습니다. 아치를 바로잡아 몸의 균형을 되찾고, 아름다운 체형으로 자신감을 회복하세요.
