[ exbodyGA ] Frequently Asked AS Questions

1.If you check the error window, you can't open it
– If you receive a window asking you to connect USB, your computer does not recognize USB if the device is connected directly without an extension cable or USB hub check.
- Take the USB from the PC for 8 seconds and reconnect it.
– Sometimes when a device with the same name as GA is connected, the device is not recognized Therefore, the device should be used after disconnecting the check If you have difficulty, remove the most recently added USB device and try running it please.
– For equipment with power, the end connecting the adapter and the equipment is It is possible to disconnect, but sometimes it is missing and connected to the opposite. If you try to connect to the product with +, -, it can be solved.

2. If you receive a message asking you to set a storage path and you can't save it
– In the case of the hospital, if you enter the patient name patient number, the program will If there is an unrecognized special character in between, the message and the box storage It's not going to work.
– Unrecognized characters include \ / :*?” and other characters that cannot be used when creating windows desktop icons.
ex) We recommend using (-) or spacebar like patient name – 57711.

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