Xbody New Homepage Open Announcement
Introducing the new homepage of XBody, which has become digital & smart so that you can check the information you want faster.
Introducing the new homepage of XBody, which has become digital & smart so that you can check the information you want faster.
The shortcut to using the current Xbody system in the best condition and increasing efficiency is 'update'. Improve the quality of service with an easy update that supports all remotely!
KIMES 2022 (International Medical Equipment & Hospital Equipment Exhibition) is a great opportunity to see the XBody system in the most comfortable way. Feel free to consult with professional consultants and answer your questions
KIMES 2022 (International Medical Equipment & Hospital Equipment Exhibition) is a great opportunity to see the XBody system in the most comfortable way. Feel free to consult with professional consultants and answer your questions
스포엑스2022 리뷰 : 엑스바디가 바쁜 대표님들의 발걸음을 멈춰세우는 것은 새로나온 장비가 아니라 바로 ‘이것’입니다.
엑스바디가 2022년 2월 서울 코엑스(COEX)에서 개최되는 스포엑스(SPOEX2022:국제스포츠레저산업박람회)에서 새로운 보행분석 장비를 최초 공개합니다. 피트니스, 필라테스, 요가 등 새로운 장비와 서비스로 경쟁력을 갖추기 원하는 모든 스포츠, 레저 사업장과 기업체를 기다립니다.