Body shape and posture correction with body shape corrector You can become a representative clinic
Maximization of Chuna treatment effect
The 'arch shape of the foot', which is flat or concave, causes musculoskeletal imbalance and malalignment. Functional foot orthoses can normalize the musculoskeletal system of the lower body, waist, and upper body, starting with flat feet (pronation) or flat feet (abduction). Maximize the effectiveness of Chuna therapy and increase patient satisfaction with a functional foot orthosis.
Higher satisfaction for various patient groups
The functional foot support is a 'posture corrector' that utilizes the body's kinetic chain. Introduce the trend of 'posture and body shape correction' for beauty and health purposes and future generations who dare to pay for 'better effects' with functional foot braces. High satisfaction can be delivered to various patient groups.
Prepare with uniform market product secure competitiveness!
It is different from standard insoles on the market that are sold according to the foot size, not the length and height of the arch (foot arch) that differs from person to person.
exbody Marketing and Sales support
In addition to high profitability, we provide marketing materials such as various videos/pamphlets/banners, flat feet examination equipment, and malalignment syndrome examination equipment in a package.