Rep. Lee Sam-han
Based on oriental medical treatment principles, the exbody system has been introduced to Lisaem Oriental Clinic, which helps improve the quality of life and healthy beauty by treating obesity, oriental cosmetic surgery (embedded line therapy), acne and acne scars, and women's diseases! At Lee Saem Oriental Clinic, which promotes health and prevents vaginal discharge through life management at one's current health condition and age, a belly button diet is performed in consideration of individual body composition, visceral fat level, visceral movement and hardness, sensitivity to cold, blood sugar stability, etc. program is being designed.
Diet according to body type analysis
The right body type also has an important factor in getting a balanced body. You can go on a diet by correcting the spine/pelvis for hip-up, correct posture, and slim lines. Use the exbody system at Lee Saem Oriental Clinic to proceed with a diet suitable for body type analysis!
Source: Official blog of Suwon JS Hospital