Function Foot Support Foot DiseaseIs it possible to prescribe only?
Functional foot braces are prescribed not only for patients with foot diseases, but also for the cause and conservative treatment of patients with musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases. Starting with the flat feet test conducted for patients with low back pain, the most frequent musculoskeletal disease, the prescription of functional foot orthosis proceeds as follows.
Flat Feet test
Analysis of biomechanical causes of back pain
Functional foot support prescription
Prepare with uniform market product secure competitiveness!
Despite the different arch (foot arch) length for each person, it is different from standard insoles on the market that are sold according to the length of the foot.
exbody Marketing and Sales support
In addition to high profitability, we provide marketing materials such as various videos/pamphlets/banners, flat feet examination equipment, and malalignment syndrome examination equipment in a package.