Learn more about the musculoskeletal comprehensive examination system module
Please select the equipment you are interested in
Musculoskeletal Function test
Gait Motion Biomechanics test
Dynamic Foot Pressure test
Flat Feet Test
Customer satisfaction directly related to profit, Make it come true with exbody
Expand the service area and reduce the examination time. Create opportunities with more customers and improve revenue efficiency by increasing satisfaction.
Getting Smart Prepare your customers
There is no more effective explanation than visualized data for customers who are getting smarter by acquiring knowledge through various information channels. Give your customers a positive experience with the multi-dimensional analysis and reporting function of the exbody system.
Improve Service Limitless Expansion
We support the expansion of the service area by updating the program to improve the function of the exbody system. In addition, we support growth by continuously sharing various information that may be helpful for business operation, such as industry and new equipment news.