
SPOEX 2023: Pre-registration? This is free!

Pre-registration for SPOEX 2023, you can enter for free by following this. From industry trends that will help the gym fitness Pilates market in 2023, check out equipment, software, and body type analyzers at once. Online pre-registration is required!

exbody Academy Returns

exbody hopes that all importers will use the body analyzer more than 100%. The reason is simple. The center can offer various programs to members, show professionalism and gain credibility, because this will improve member satisfaction.

2022 review: exbody Universe

In 2022, exbody paddled across a new, vast and unexpected ocean, leaving the first footprints and paving the way on the land before us, be it gravel or muddy. All of these adventures would have been impossible without our customers.

Fill everyone's glass.

Fill everyone's glasses, take time to congratulate yourself and us for having a fierce and fierce time in each of your seats. Thank you so much to those who introduced exbody, those who are thinking about it, and those who accidentally read this article.

2023 small business support project, prepare in advance

Small business support project continues in 2023 | The small business smart store support project, which heated up the year-end of 2022, will continue next year. Exbody supports the re-challenge of small business owners who unfortunately missed the opportunity due to lack of time or insufficient documentation.

Back to the Essence of Taekwondo

2022 태권도 교육·산업 박람회 | 엑스바디 exbody를 만나보세요 | 키성장, 체형, 자세, 비만 관리 중 하나라도 해당된다면 엑스바디 시스템을 확인해 보세요. 엑스바디로 한층 쌓아올린 전문성이 학부모의 관심과 원생 등록률을 올리는 차별성이 됩니다.

Do you want to exercise or go to the hospital? (by Dr. Na Yong-seung)

I want to exercise, I want to go to the hospital (by Dr. Na Yong-seung), through a long period of medical experience as a doctor, movement impairment, exercise prescription courses for each chronic disease, and exercise experience as an ordinary exercise mania This is a book published in the hope that you will have a habit.
