Protect Your Health with Exercises Good for the Lower Back


Lower back pain is one of the most common issues many people experience.
Proper exercise is essential to prevent and alleviate it.

From aerobic exercises like walking, hiking, and swimming to strengthening exercises for the pelvis and hip joints, a variety of workouts effectively support the lower back muscles and spine.
However, to maximize the benefits of exercise, it is important to maintain proper posture and adopt a personalized approach tailored to your body type.

Exercises Good for the Lower Back and Their Benefits

1. Walking Exercise
It strengthens the muscles that support the lower back and is effective in alleviating back pain.
Tip: Develop a habit of brisk walking for about 30 minutes daily.

2. Climbing
It strengthens the spine and thigh muscles, enhancing lower back stability.
Caution: Avoid steep slopes as they can strain your lower back.

3. Swimming
The buoyancy of water reduces pressure on the discs, allowing you to strengthen your lower back and spine without strain.

4. Pelvis, Knee, and Hip Joint Exercises
It relaxes the muscles around major joints and effectively enhances flexibility.
e.g., Pelvic tilt, hip joint stretching.

5. Bird Dog Exercise
Stabilizes the spine and strengthens lower back muscles.

6. McKenzie Exercise
Restores the lumbar curve (lordosis), preventing disc issues and alleviating pain.

Precautions During Exercise

No matter how beneficial an exercise is, performing it with improper posture can place additional strain on the lower back.

  • Climbing Avoid excessively bending your lower back.
  • Swimming Be careful not to overextend your spine.

Learn proper posture before exercising and apply techniques suited to your body type.

Data-Driven Exercise Design Through Exbody Musculoskeletal Assessment

To maintain lower back health, it is important to accurately understand your posture and muscle condition.
Exbody assessment precisely analyzes body balance and the alignment of the spine and pelvis, helping to design personalized exercise plans.

Key Features of Exbody Assessment

  1. Posture Analysis: Evaluates the alignment of the spine and pelvis to identify imbalances.
  2. Muscle Imbalance Detection: Supports identifying weakened muscles for targeted strengthening.
  3. Pre- and Post-Exercise Data Comparison: Allows objective verification of exercise effectiveness.

Examples of Using Exbody for Lower Back Health

Case 1: Relieving Lower Back Pain for Office Workers

  • Problem: Lower back pain caused by prolonged sitting.
  • Solution: Designed core strengthening exercises and McKenzie exercises based on Exbody analysis data.
  • Result: Pain relief and spinal stability restored after 3 months.

Case 2: Preventing Lower Back Injuries for Athletes

  • Problem: Frequent occurrence of lower back injuries during sports activities.
  • Solution: Implemented exercises to strengthen weak muscles and improve flexibility based on Exbody analysis.
  • Result: Injury prevention and performance improvement.

Exercises for lower back health require proper posture and a personalized approach.

Accurately analyze your physical condition through Exbody assessment and design personalized exercises tailored to your posture.
A healthy back brings a better life and renewed vitality.

Experience a new standard of lower back health with Exbody!

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