exbody Introduction: Muscle Care Pilates

Muscle Care Pilates

Muscle Care Pilates rehabilitates and restores body balance through pilates It is the first generation pilates educational institution in Korea.
Korea's 29 branches and expert training academies operate across the country Pilates plays a big role in dissemination.

It offers a variety of programs based on pilates, especially 250 hours More than 2,500 people trained with a solid curriculum and demanding tests Instructors are helping members recover their health.

Background of Exbody Implementation

Muscle Care Pilates further enhances the existing pilates program To build a differentiated infrastructure in the field of rehabilitation pilates , Introduced the exbody system.
More precise customization with exbody's body shape analysis capabilities Providing programs is a big purpose.

The exbody system takes everything from body shape analysis to exercise prescription Data-based support.
In particular, in the rehabilitation process, the customer's body balance and muscle strength status are precisely You can design a personalized pilates program by identifying That's a big advantage.
With this analysis system, customers are more scientific and efficient You will be able to receive rehabilitation exercises.

Muscle Care Pilates is based on these benefits and offers an exbody system To further strengthen our expertise in rehabilitation pilates There are.

Utilization of Exbody

Muscle Care Pilates_cheng Taobao
Muscle Care Pilates Cheongju Branch

exbody accurately analyzes the body of the member to determine the imbalance of the body shape It plays an important role in finding and providing a tailored exercise regimen to.
Muscle Care Pilates provides the physical condition of each member through the exbody We have been able to accurately identify it from the beginning, and we have customized it based on it I'm making a pilates exercise plan.
In particular, pilates is meticulous, tailored to individual characteristics in rehabilitation exercises The prescription is important, and the exbody is a very useful equipment in this process. It is being utilized.

The results of the body shape analysis conducted through exbody are presented to members by instructors It's great for providing more specific feedback.
For example, a member's body balance problem is fine-grained, and the problem is fine-grained By recommending customized exercises that can be solved, members can Understand your exercise needs clearly and get motivated You can.
This process not only increases customer satisfaction, but also continues It is an important factor that enables membership retention.

Changes after the introduction of exbody

Muscle Care Pilates _moran Branch
Muscle Care Pilates Peony Branch

After introducing exbody in more than 10 muscle care pilates branches, it is more systematic and Professional counseling and program design.
In particular, center representatives and instructors provide customized consultations to members We're seeing a great effect in that we can provide it.
The exbody system made it difficult to deal with traditional pilates classes Detailed body problems can be analyzed in depth, so members can Great for planning workouts based on more accurate information It's helping.

Professional instructors trained in rehabilitation training and seminars are systematic You can do counseling and exercise prescriptions based on data analysis. In addition, rehabilitation is strengthening competitiveness in the field of pilates.

The introduction of the exbody system is among existing and potential members It contributes to increasing the trustworthiness of the center.

Muscle Care Pilates will continue to actively use the X-body system We plan to offer a more professional and systematic pilates program.
In particular, pilates for general members as well as rehabilitation programs We will also strengthen the program to meet a diverse customer base.
XBody systems can manage members ' data for the long term Having to constantly monitor the course and effect of an individual's movements It will play a big role.

Differentiation of pilates centers, is not difficult.
X-body system analyzes your body type and condition, and individual If you offer a customized exercise program, you will be competitive in differentiation Can have.

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