Mokdong Himchan Hospital
Mokdong Himchan Hospital
Mokdong Himchan Hospital is one of the representative hospitals that most actively utilizes the exbody system. Introducing the case of introducing the exbody musculoskeletal comprehensive examination system of Himchan Hospital, which has become synonymous with solving joint and spinal pain.
A situation in which expensive equipment is not properly used even after introducing it, and informing patients about the convenience of equipment.
All of these processes are challenges that all hospitals must address.
All of these processes are challenges that all hospitals must address.

Check out the case of Himchan Hospital. There are hints in it.
In the case of Himchan Hospital, which appeared in MBN's The Lord of the Thumbs along with the X-Body system, you can get hints for utilization strategies.The strong hospital's approach, appropriately combined with the theme of the 'Looking Backward Health Red Flags' round, is creative. Let's take a look at how you've captured the curiosity of your audience, i.e., the interest of your potential customers.
Patients and doctors alike. No one likes to be bothered.
Just like the expression 'pretending to pretend', doctors can gauge a patient's condition just by looking at them, and usually this prediction is correct. The problem is the first step, how to convince the patient. The more detailed the explanation of one's condition, the higher the trust in doctors and hospitals. However, neither patients nor hospitals want the hassle that arises from the process of 'detailed explanation'. And at this point, Himchan Hospital pulls out a card called X-Body.
All you need is “Please stand on your own two feet”
'9100 (musculoskeletal function test)', XBody's representative equipment for musculoskeletal analysis and examination, requires nothing from the patient except to stand in front of the device. There is no need to undress, change clothes, or attach markers. No need to remove accessories or tie long hair. All preparations are completed as long as the patient naturally 'stands' in front of the device.
60 seconds is enough time is precious to everyone
The Xbody musculoskeletal function test system (exbody9100) scans the front, side, and back of the patient, and the time required to analyze musculoskeletal imbalance and misalignment is from 1 minute to 1 minute and 30 seconds. Time is valuable to patients, doctors and hospitals alike.
Brevity doesn't mean simple
13 types of reports with 3D visuals are created
13 types of reports with 3D visuals are created
There is a twist to XBody's concise and quick inspection process. It is a real-time 3D simulation and report function. You can directly check the patient's condition with his own two eyes, and receive more than 10 analysis results in print or KakaoTalk as a digitized file at once.
Go to Mokdong Himchan Hospital website