XBody Co., Ltd. Policy on Rejection of Unauthorized E-mail Collection
Please note that e-mail addresses posted on this website are prohibited from being collected without permission using e-mail collection programs or other technical devices.
Article 50-2 of the Information and Communications Network Act (Prohibition of unauthorized collection of e-mail addresses)
No one shall collect e-mail addresses using a program or other technical device that automatically collects e-mail addresses from an Internet homepage where the intention to refuse collection of e-mail addresses is stated.
No one shall sell or distribute the e-mail addresses collected in violation of the provisions of Paragraph 1.
Anyone who knows that it is an e-mail address whose collection, sale, and distribution are prohibited pursuant to Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not use it for information transmission.
※ If you are victim of unauthorized collection of e-mail address using the above technical measures, please report it through the illegal spam response center dedicated phone (02-1336 without an area code) or through the report window on the homepage (www.spamcop.or.kr).