April 27, 2022

Recruiting sports industry mentors

Recruitment of current sports industry mentors

스포츠 산업 현직자들의 경험과 노하우를 공유해주세요 : 국민체육진흥공단과 스포츠산업일자리센터가 주관하는 ‘스포츠 산업현직자 직무멘토 모집’ 프로그램을 통해, 취업준비생들의 스포츠산업 분야 취업 노하우와 현장 경험을 들려주세요.

Definition and Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

Definition and Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

The season of sandals, slippers, and flat shoes is approaching, bringing with it the risk of plantar fasciitis caused by the repeated impact on the soles of the feet. Here, we will discuss the definition, key symptoms, and diagnostic methods for plantar fasciitis.
